I just turned 56 and this is what I end up with.

It’s been three weeks since undergoing a double micro, state of the art, surgery for my messed up back. It was worth spending the last two years finding the right doctor as well as trying non-invasive therapy, and taking a break from my back to repair my shoulder.
Not pretty but it's my reality.
I’m ready to start cycling again. I’m even good to go with hiking again. And I thought my hiking days were over. What could be better then cycling to a cool trail head and then put on the ole underused hiking boots and step into the backcountry.

My Catrike Expedition has served me well while I was figuring out what to do with my painful spinal column. Now that I’m fixed up and feeling young again I seriously considered getting back on two wheels, recumbent style. I even thought about a traditional diamond frame bike for all of ten minutes. After some serious consideration about riding a recumbent bike, and even bringing one home to try out for awhile, I decided to stick with riding in comfort on my trike. I came up with many reasons not to get back on two wheels. At the top of the list was the simple fact that sooner or later everyone takes a fall when riding two wheels. Last time I took a tumble on a bicycle I broke a rib and tore a shoulder. I was younger and healed without much to do. I am living proof that our boney infrastructure starts falling apart at the age of 50 and I’m now 56.
I’m sticking with a tadpole type trike. There is no way I would go 40mph down a hill on a bike. On a trike 40mph is cruising speed. So what if going up hill takes a little longer, at least I’m riding in comfort. There are many other good reasons to ride a good performance trike such as those made my Catrike. So, trikes it is.
It doesn’t matter what your cycling on just get out there and cycle.