I've been looking for a helmet that is more comfortable as well as more visible. I also needed a helmet that comes in extra large for my big head. I read a lot of good things about the
Lazer Helium but I couldn't find a local bike shop that had any in stock. On faith I ordered online. The prices are all over the place, I found one for about $100. It's a very comfortable and light helmet. The knob on top of the helmet dials in the internal headband around the entire circumference of my head providing a secure fit. The only issue I had was when the headband was tightened the helmet had a bit of a wobble. The problem was easily solved with a bit of padding on each side of the helmet. BUT no extra padding was supplied and there is no place to attach the padding. Problem solved again, I used padding from another helmet and glued it in with trusty E6000 adhesive.
With the little bit of padding the helmet... it's a keeper.
High visibility. |
Dial on top of the helmet for adjusting the headband. |
Light weight strap that sits easy on the side of my face. The magnetic slide buckle is easily attached and unattached, it's nice if you're wearing full finger gloves during the cold winter days. |
Added padding on the side (red). |